With a camera in my hand, I explore human connection through a simple hello.

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“A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet.”
William Butler Yeats

With nothing more than an interest in learning more about the live’s of others, I explore what every day life is like for people all over the world, editing my videos in a way that are both educational and simple to watch. There is no hidden agenda or political angle, just real interactions with real people.

From dairy farmers battling against the federal government, to skateboarders building a stronger community, the goal is to film someone else’s world to better understand them and ourselves.

I make videos to help widen our circle of compassion.

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Hello, my name is Scott.

That is all I say to open up the conversation. From there, we go on a journey to learn about those around us.

Together, let’s widen our circle of compassion, embrace others for who they are, and connect as humans.

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